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Publications: Sobre nós

Our Publications


5. Selvanathan, H. P., Valdenegro, D. I., Noor, M., Visintin, E. P., Lalot, F. Sainz, M., Bilewicz, M., Hayward, L., ., Ullrich, J., & Hässler, T. (in press). On the non-linear link between stigma and collective action: Evidence from sexual and gender minorities in 25 countries. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.


4. Árnadóttir, K., Baysu, G., Van Laar, C., Phalet, K., Tropp, L. R., Sebben, S., Ullrich, J. & Hässler, T. (2024). How positive and negative intergroup contact jointly inform minority support for social change: The role of system-fairness belief. British Journal of Social Psychology, 63(2), 811-838.

3. Frisch, L., Liekefett, L., Sebben, S., Shnabel, N., Ullrich, J., & Hässler, T. (2023). Support for social change among members of advantaged groups: The role of a dual identity representation and accepting intergroup contact. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49(7), 1000-1013.

2. Hässler, T., Ullrich, J., Sebben, S., Shnabel, N., Bernadino, M., Valdenegro, D. Van Laar, C., González, R., Visintin, E. P., Tropp, L. R., Ditlmann, R. K., Abrams, D., Aydin, A. L., Pereira, A., Selvanathan, H. P., von Zimmermann, J., Lantos, N., Sainz, M., Glenz, A., Kende, A., Oberpflazerová, H., Bilewicz, M., Branković, M., Noor, M., Pasek, M., Wright, S., Žeželj, I., Kuzawinska, O., Maloku, E., Otten, S., Gul, P., Bareket, O., Biruski, D. C., Ugarte, L. M., Osin, E., Baiocco, R., Cook, J., Dawood, M., Droogendyk, L., Herrera Loyo, A., Jelic, M., Kelmendi, K., & Pistella, J. (2022). Needs satisfaction in intergroup contact: A multi-national study of pathways toward social change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(4), 634–658.

1. Hässler, T., Ullrich, J., Bernadino, M., Shnabel, N., Van Laar, C., Valdenegro, D., Sebben, S., Tropp, L. R., Visintin, E. P., González, R., Ditlmann, R. K., Abrams, D., Selvanathan, H. P., Branković, M., Wright, S., von Zimmermann, J., Pasek, M., Aydin, A. L., Žeželj, I., Pereira, A., Lantos, N. A., Sainz, M., Glenz, A., Oberpflazerová, H., Bilewicz, M., Kende, A., Kuzawinska, O., Otten, S., Maloku, E., Noor, M., Gul, P., Pistella, J., Baiocco, R., Jelic, M., Osin, E., Bareket, O., Biruski, D. C., Cook, J. E., Dawood, M., Droogendyk, L., Herrera Loyo, A., Kelmendi, K., & Ugarte, L. M. (2020). A large-scale test of the link between intergroup contact and support for social change. Nature Human Behaviour, 4, 380–386.


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