Adrienne Giroud (-Pereira) has P.h.D in social psychology from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Her thesis focused on how prejudice affects social identities of members of low-status social minorities.


Angélica Herrera Loyo has a PhD in Sociology (Mexico UNAM). Her doctoral thesis earned an award as the best thesis in sociology in Mexico City in 2010. She works at the Department of Informatics at the ETHZ and collaborates in different projects for teaching computer science at the primary and secondary school level. Herrera Loyo translated teaching materials developed in Switzerland to Spanish. She also tested them in Mexico and Colombia, and compared the results with those obtained in Switzerland with respect to how pupils learn to program in different cultural environments.
Anna Kende is an associate professor in social psychology at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Her research focuses on intergroup relations, as she investigates the psychological underpinnings of social change both in the area of prejudice reduction and engagement in social movements. She has participated and coordinated several international research projects funded by the EU, national and international organizations, mostly concerning the situation of disadvantaged groups, and Roma people in particular.

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Colette van Laar is Full Professor in Social Psychology at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven, Belgium). She received her MA in social psychology from the University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), her Ph.D. as a Fulbright scholar from the University of California, Los Angeles, and then worked at Leiden University (Netherlands). She publishes widely on social psychological processes that transfer negative group stereotypes and prejudice into lower outcomes, and on contact processes between groups.

My research in computational social science (weird name I know). Let's say that I used primarily computational methods and novel data sources to study social phenomena. Currently I'm working with social media data and with deep learning algorithms to create a multi-language emotion classifier for text.

Professor of Social Psychology at the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia. For the past 20 years Dinka has been dealing with issues of community social recovery after war, especially in ethnically divided communities, majority-minority relations and identity issues. In addition to the research and teaching engagement, she is also active in the field of public policy, especially in minority education issues.

Dominic Abrams, is Professor of Social Psychology and director of the Centre for the Study of Group Processes at the University of Kent. His research uses experiments, surveys and qualitative methods to examine social and developmental aspects of relations between different social groups and how people’s group memberships affect their behavior, decisions and attitudes. He has authored and coauthored over 200 papers and numerous books on groups, identity and social inclusion.

Edona Maloku is a social psychologist and a lecturer of Psychology at the Rochester Institute of Technology in Kosovo. Her research focuses on how individuals identify with and function as part of social groups, with a special focus on promoting inclusiveness and social justice.

My main research interests lie in social psychology of intergroup relations. More specifically I am studying prejudice and discrimination, and strategies to reduce them based on intergroup contact and on cooperative learning; social identities; social norms; cultural and ethnic diversity.
Recently, I have started studying pro-environmental attitudes and behaviors, and more specifically environmental education.

Evgeny teaches at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia. His research interests include positive psychology (well-being, meaning, personality resources, emotional regulation) and cross-cultural studies (the effects of social context on well-being), as well as LGBT topics.

Hana Oberpfalzerová, PhD. is a lecturer in the programme Safety & Security Management Studies at The Hague University of Applied Sciences in The Netherlands. She comes from the Czech Republic and has bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Relations from the Charles University in Prague, a Master’s degree in peace and development studies from the University of Pisa, Italy, and a PhD in International Relations from the Charles University in Prague. She focuses on peace & conflict studies, post-conflict reconciliation, transitional justice, political Islam and counter-terrorism.

I completed my PhD in Social Psychology with a concentration in the Psychology of Peace and Violence at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, United States. I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the University of Queensland, Australia. My research lies at the intersection of social, political, and peace psychology. One of the core themes guiding my work is that equality, justice, and peace is often achieved through sustained group-based efforts. My research interests are: social change and intergroup relations; social movements, collective action, and allyship; intergroup conflict and reconciliation.

Iris Žeželj is an associate professor at the Department of psychology at University of Belgrade. Her area of interest are processes that contribute different forms of biases, from macro to micro-level: group biases, biases in memory, beliefs and self knowledge. Being from Balkans, she is especially concerned in the role of social psychology in bettering the intergroup relations. She has led or co-led several international projects on these topics. In her research, she combines laboratory experiments, large scale cross cultural studies and content analyses

Jessica Pistella, PhD., is a researcher in the Department of Developmental and Social Psychology, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Her research interest includes:
1) Sexual prejudice. The researches explore the levels of sexual prejudice in sports-related contexts; 2) Attitudes towards same–sex parenting. The studies investigate the attitudes towards the parenting competences among parents who self-identify as LGB+ people; 3) Positive LGB+ identity. The researches deepen the minority stress, coming-out reactions, and risk factors in early-adolescence and adolescence.

Dr. Cook’s research investigates how important social categories like race, gender, sexual orientation, or chronic illness, can affect motivational, behavioral, and neurobiological processes over time. Dr. Cook also studies how brief psychological interventions can help people cope with concerns related to negative stereotypes or bias in social environments.

At University College London, Jorina von Zimmermann researched the emergence of group cohesion and its effects on intragroup as well as intergroup relations, and the link between social inequality and intergroup conflict. She is interested in understanding dynamics of collective behaviour and particularly the socio-psychological processes that lead to radical and extremist thinking and social friction. In her current role, she manages consultancy projects in the Faculty of Brain Sciences at UCL.

Kaltrina Kelmendi is a professor assistant at the Department of Psychology, University of Prishtina, in Kosovo. Recently finished her Ph.D. studies in the field of social psychology at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. Her research interests are related to interpersonal violence, gender-based violence, gender roles, school violence, and other related socio-psychological phenomena.

Linda R. Tropp is Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst (USA). She studies how members of different groups perceive and experience relations with each other, and how group differences in status affect cross-group relations, to specify how we can both improve group relations and promote greater social equality. She works with national and international organizations to promote social integration and justice, and to evaluate interventions that bridge group differences and promote reconciliation in divided societies.

Lisa received her PhD in Social Psychology from Simon Fraser University in 2015. Her research is focused on collective action – when individuals take action to improve conditions for their group. She is especially interested in resistance among members of oppressed groups (e.g. women, immigrants, the LGBTQ+ community), and outcomes of environmental activism. Lisa is currently a psychology professor at Sheridan College in Oakville, Ontario, where she teaches Introductory Psychology, Social Psychology, and Ecological Psychology.

I am interested in study the process of human decision making and behavior that can be measured with neuroscience tools. I am also curious about the networks behind the brain resting-state networks.

Maneeza Dawood is a doctoral candidate in the Lab of Intergroup Relations and the Social Mind at Columbia University, working with Dr. Valerie Purdie-Greenaway. Using daily diary methods, social network analysis and longitudinal data, she investigates identity-based motivation and interventions to increase civic engagement in adolescence, with a focus on Muslim youth.

Margareta Jelić is an Associate Professor of Social Psychology at the University of Zagreb where she teaches courses in social psychology with focus on interpersonal relations, social influence, and group processes. Her research interests are centered on identity processes, interpersonal and intergroup relations.

Marija Branković obtained her PhD from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade, Serbia. She is working as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University, Belgrade. Her research interests focus on social identities and inter-group relations, in particular in post-conflict settings, as well as on relations between humans and (other) animals.
I am a Social Psychologist whose research aims to understand how dehumanizing others triggers the maintenance of social inequalities. Specifically, my work has focused on how the tendency to animalize poor people and mechanize rich people influences in the internal or external causal attributions that people make about poverty and wealth.

Dr. Masi Noor is an associate professor of the School of Psychology at Keele University. Masi’s main line of research focuses on studying the psychological experiences of victims and perpetrators with the aim to better understand effective conflict resolution strategies between adversary individuals, groups and communities. He coined the term Intergroup Competitive Victimhood (the tendency of both adversary parties competing over their share of their victimhood) and was among the first researchers to systematically study the concept of forgiveness.

Michael is a postdoctoral scholar at The New School for Social Research in New York, USA. He studies intergroup relations with an emphasis on how religious belief and religious identity affect the ability for people to peacefully coexist across group lines. He also studies how intergroup conflict and prejudice elicit psychological threat, how threat undermines core psychological needs, like the need to belong, and how targeted interventions can mitigate threat and its negative consequences.

My main research focus is on history-related psychological processes (attributions and representations of historical events), dehumanization in intergroup relations, collective moral emotions and post-conflict reconciliation. My most recent research concerns hate speech and offensive language and the psychological mechanisms responsible for spreading of discriminatory language. Additionally, I study human-animal relations in the context of vegegetarianism and meat consumption.

Can morality change? Can intergroup conflict be positive? My research interest ranges from morality to intergroup relations, especially in understanding the dynamics of conflict and its effects on social change and moral change. My theoretical background is based on a critical reading of psychology, with emphasis on feminist and latin-american perspectives.

My research interest includes topics like collective action and solidarity, intergroup attitudes and prejudice, and how intergroup emotions are connected to attitudes and behaviour in different intergroup contexts. I am involved in research about testing interventions, how we can efficiently improve intergroup relations but also motivate people to engage in collective action on behalf of their ingroup or in solidarity with an outgroup.

Broadly speaking, I study the social psychological processes involved in improving social relations between individuals and groups. Within this broad topic, I have two lines of research. The first uses the theoretical framework of the Needs-based Model to examine processes, such as ‘competitive victimhood,’ which facilitate or hinder reconciliation. The second examines subtle processes, such as dependency-oriented cross-gender helping, which reinforce gender differentiation and inequality.


Ms. Orly Bareket completed her BA in psychology and management and MA in social psychology with honors at Tel Aviv University. She is currently finishing her PhD studies in the School of Psychological Sciences at Tel Aviv University. Her research interests focus on behavioral processes that hinder gender equality, such as sexual objectification and cross-gender helping relations, employing methodologies that simulate real-life interactions and novel behavioral measures.

I am a social and cultural psychologist. My research is devoted to better understanding the (1) motivational forces that lead to cultural variation in social behaviour and (2) motivational forces that drive conflict and cooperation between the sexes. I approach these issues with a combination of perspectives from social, cultural, and evolutionary psychology, using experimental and survey methodology.

Roberto Baiocco, is Associate Professor of Developmental Psychology at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). He has research interests in three areas: 1) Risk and protective factors experienced by sexual minority adolescents; 2) coming out process and psychological well-being; 3) same-sex parent families and the well-being of children raised by LGBT+ parents. Since 2010 he has been Director of the Center for the Study of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity at Sapienza University.

Roberto González is a professor of social psychology at P. Universidad Católica de Chile. His research and publications focus on intergroup relations, intergroup contact, acculturation processes, social movements, as well as reparation regarding political and ethnic conflicts. Among other, he has served as head of the School of Psychology and as Academic Vice President of the PUC. He has worked in designing and implementing policy for preventing and addressing sexual violence, migration and recently social cohesion working in several national commissions.

Ruth Ditlmann is an (designated) Assistant Professor of Social Psychology at the Hertie School of Governance. Previously she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Migration, Integration and Transnationalization Department of the WZB and at the Department of Psychology at Princeton University. She holds a PhD in Social Psychology from Yale University. Her research in the field of intergroup relations is focused on dialogues between members of different
group in politicized, polarized and (historically) violent contexts.

Sabine Otten is Professor in Social Psychology at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Her specific area of expertise is intergroup relations and social integration. In her PhD, she compared intra- and intergroup aggression; later, she focused on a better understanding of the main processes underlying ingroup favoritism. More recently, she and her collaborators have investigated antecedents and consequences of social inclusion in groups characterized by diversity (e.g., diversity in cultural background, age, gender, sexual orientation).

Steve Wright (PhD, McGill University, 1991) is Professor of Social Psychology at Simon Fraser University. His research focuses on intergroup relations, with specific interests in: collective action and resistance; intergroup helping and advantaged group allies; prejudice and its reduction (cross-group friendships and extended contact).