We live in a world in which some people still enjoy unearned privileges due to their gender, their origin, and their sexual orientation or gender identity. Yet, inequalities faced by disadvantaged groups are not only an issue of the disadvantaged, but an issue of fairness for all. The Zurich Intergroup Project aims at fostering our understanding of the circumstances under which intergroup collaboration in service of greater social equality can occur.
The Zurich Intergroup Project started with a seed money grant aiming at facilitating collaborations between Swiss and South American researchers. This grant allowed us to establish a collaboration between the Zurich team (Tabea Hässler, Johannes Ullrich, Andreas Glenz, and Simone Sebben) and the research team in Santiago de Chile (Daniel Valdenegro, Michelle Bernardino, and Roberto González). Moreover, we were able to organize a fruitful kick-off workshop in Zurich including 15 researchers. After this, many more researchers joined the project, leading to a large-scale collaboration among 43 core members from 23 countries.
The goal of this unique cross-cultural collaboration is to better understand when people support greater social equality. While the vast majority of intergroup research has so far focused on ethnic/religious majorities and minorities, we decided to also include the LGBTIQ+ context to increase the generalizability of our results. In a joint effort, we translated the questionnaire (see https://osf.io/uv7aq/) into 14 languages, adapted it to the local context, and collected local samples. Together, we gathered data from almost 13'000 individuals from 69 countries. We published our first results and are currently working on several follow-up projects.